“If I can find ‘em, I can get ‘em. As yet I haven’t met ‘em. That’s how I’m in the shape I’m in.”
So goes the classic tune Another Saturday Night, first recorded by Sam Cooke and later by Cat Stevens, which lamented the universal difficulty boys experience in meeting girls.
Well, when it comes to finding walleyes, you also have to find ‘em before you can catch ‘em. And that’s not always easy. Especially if you limit yourself to traditional, slow-moving livebait tactics more appropriate for tempting bites than triggering strikes.
The answer? Move quickly, using speedier lures and systems to cover water, contact biters, and hopefully, generate enough strikes to put you on the bulk of the fish. Because once you find ‘em, you can get ‘em. Even if you then need to slow down to tease a few more into biting.
In WALLEYE-Finding the School, the Angling Edge staff describes a fast-moving mindset for eliminating dead water, finding walleyes quickly and getting rapid results. It breaks the mold, trashes tradition, and puts loads of fish in the boat.
It’s time to pick up the pace and get with the program. Then, as Elton John says, “Saturday night’s alright for fighting.” Walleyes, that is.